From the Ontario Organizational Development Program, created specifically for HIV/AIDS organizations, though content is applicable to a range of social service organizations.
"This toolkit offers ...a brief description of what risk management planning is and why you need to do it, and offers...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sur le titre : Primer for directors of not-for-profit corporations : rights, duties and practices
Table des matières
Sociétés et administrateurs : quoi, qui, pourquoi et comment / Wayne Amundson
Devoirs des administrateurs / Jane Burke-Robertson
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Developing a risk management strategy : five steps to risk management in nonprofit and charitable organizations
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: 20 questions directors of not-for-profit organizations should ask about risk
Questions :
Que signifie le «risque» pour l’organisme?
Quelles sont les valeurs éthiques de l’organisme?
Quels sont les principaux risques et incertitudes...
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"The purpose of this legal risk management checklist is to provide a brief outline of some of the more important issues that directors, officers, and/or executive staff of a charity, whether incorporated or not, may want to consider in ensuring due diligence in the operation of the charity."
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Also available in French under the title : Élaboration d'une stratégie de gestion du risque : les cinq étapes de la gestion du risque pour les organismes sans but lucratif et les organismes de bienfaisance
Also available in print
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Also available in French under the title "20 Questions que les administrateurs d'organismes sans but lucratif devraient poser sur les risques"
Contents :
What does 'risk' mean in this organization?
What are the organization's ethical values?
What are the major risks and uncertainties...
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A ten step overview of the board's role in developing a risk management process and plan.
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Learn how fraud happens in charitable organizations and learn what you can do to protect your organization from fraudulent activity.
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Getting Started: Supplementary guidance. How to identify, assess, monitor and review risks. (2014).
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