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"By developing of high-impact, meaningful volunteer opportunities, you create greater influence and outcomes for your organization.
This super toolkit contains five vital resources to strengthen your volunteer engagement program:
Steps to Reactive Volunteer Engagement
Window of Work for...
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Disponible en anglais aussi sous le titre : Who are managers of volunteers?
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Ce guide décrit les réponses essentielles aux questions de filtrage pour RH et les bénévoles:
Qu'est-ce qu'une vérification des antédédents en vue d'un travail auprès de personnes vulnérables?
Quelles sources d'information sont utilisées lors des vérifications des antécédents en vue d'un...
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"Intended to disseminate essential information about job design theory to the voluntary sector and to provide helpful hints on how to apply the theory to the management of volunteer programming. This is one of several capacity-building resources released in recognition of the International Year of...
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An overview of various acts that are applicable to screening processes and policies.
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"There is no single source of law in Canada that governs screening. Criminal, civil, constitutional and administrative statutes are all relevant to those organizations and individuals who carry out screening. As well, the common law has clearly established that organizations providing programs and...
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Attracting, Recruiting and Retaining a diverse workforce.
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