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Sample policy from Imagine Canada. Provided in reference to Standard A14: Complaints policy.
Disponible en français: Politique et procédure en matière de plaintes
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This annotated version of an example policy statement is designed to set out the key elements of a viable conflict of interest policy.
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: The guide to strategic planning for directors of non-profit organizations
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Complaints Policy and Procedure
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"Key elements of whistleblower protection policies and procedures were developed after a cross-jurisdictional scan of best practices used in legislation, policies and procedures at the municipal, provincial and federal level in Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
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Sample Whistleblower policy from the Nonprofit Risk Management Center.
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Sample policy for the board.
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: 20 Questions directors of not-for-profit organizations should ask about strategy and planning
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