Covers: Roles and Responsibilities, Financial Management Checklist, Preparing the Budget and Bookkeeping.
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This video describes the receipting process when a donor receives a benefit or an advantage (i.e. tickets, t-shirt, mug, etc.)
Also available in French
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Also available in French under the title : Exemples - Reçus officiels de dons
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A charity must have adequate books and records to demonstrate responsible governance and that most resources are used for charitable purposes. This video presents a framework for organizing these books and records in categories such as organizational history, governing documents, legal contracts,...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Sample official donation receipts
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Chapter 1 - General information
Chapter 2 - How to complete the NPO information return
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Income tax guide to the non-profit organization (NPO) information return
Disponible en version HTML et en version PDF
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Chapitre 1 – Renseignements généraux
Chapitre 2 – Comment remplir la déclaration d’un organisme sans but lucratif
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Also available in HTML
Also available in French under the title : Code canadien de pratiques pour la protection des consommateurs dans le commerce électronique
Principle 1: Information Provision
Principle 2: Language
Principle 3: Contract Formation and Fulfilment...
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Dans cet article, Éducaloi vous explique les règles relatives aux reçus officiels de dons émis par les organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés.
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