Beyond the cause : the art and science of advocacy




  • Independent Sector


Mot clés

  • Public policy
  • Advocacy
  • Government relations
  • Case studies
  • United States
  • Nonprofit organizations

Url accès

Beyond the cause : the art and science of advocacy


"With the goal of identifying how the nonprofit and philanthropic sector can increase its influence on public policy, Independent Sector set out to answer two questions:

  1. What approaches and strategies shape consistently successful advocacy efforts?
  2. How well does the community of organizations currently engaged in sector-wide advocacy perform?

This summary highlights the findings from a study conducted in 2011–12, which included three surveys, over 100 interviews, a review of existing literature on advocacy and lobbying by charitable organizations, and research on publicly available information about 528 organizations’ engagement in sector-wide public policy issues. It draws on lessons from three detailed case studies of highly effective organizations, four coalition profiles, and six issue analyses of federal, sector-wide public policy issues that were undertaken as part of this study. Insights from expert political strategists, seasoned advocates, and academic researchers informed the findings."


Independent Sector

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