The distribution of giving in six surveys




  • Wilhelm, Mark O.
  • Indiana University Center on Philanthropy

Mot clés

  • Research
  • Surveys
  • Giving
  • Methodology

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The distribution of giving in six surveys


Mark O. Wilhelm, associate professor of economics and philanthropic studies at IUPUI, in "The Distribution of Giving in Six Surveys" examines six major household surveys of giving and attempts to trace the differences in their measurements to underlying differences in survey methodology. 


Surveys studied: 1974, National Study of Philanthropy (NSP); biennial series of cross-sections from late 1980s, Giving and Volunteering in the United States (GVUS); 1966, General Social Survey (GSS); 1997, Canadian National Survey of Giving, Volunteering and Participating (CSGVP) [i.e. NSGVP 1997]; 2000, Giving and Volunteering in California (GVC); Philanthropy Panel Study (PS), a section in the 2001 wave of the Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID).


Indiana University Center on Philanthropy