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The capacity to serve : a qualitative study of the challenges facing Canada's nonprofit and voluntary organizations : summary




  • National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (Canada)

Mot clés

  • Charities


PDF icon NSNVO_Exec_Summay_ENGLISH_to_Printer_April_21.pdf

Autre titre

La capacité de servir : étude qualitative sur les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les organismes bénévoles et sans but lucratif au Canada : sommaire


The Capacity to Serve is the first report from the National Survey of Nonprofit and Voluntary Organizations (NSNVO), a project that is designed to build the body of knowledge about this important set of institutionsAlso available in French under title: La capacité de servir : étude qualitative sur les problèmes auxquels sont confrontés les organismes bénévoles et sans but lucratif au Canada : sommaire


Canadian Centre for Philanthropy (CCP)
