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Outlines key areas of a typical board member's job description.
Copyright from Governing Good states that it may be freely used by non-profit organizations.
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Available in French under the title "20 Questions que les administrateurs des organismes sans but lucratif devraient poser sur le recrutement, la formation et l’évaluation des membres du conseil"
Table of contents :
Selection of Directors
1. What are the requirements for electing or...
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Includes topics on: Recruiting for Success, Orienting, Training and Developing the Board, and Evaluating the Board.
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Learn about the roles and responsibilities of board members within a registered charity.
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Renseignez-vous sur les rôles et responsabilités des membres du conseil d'administration d'un organisme de bienfaisance enregistré.
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From the Expert Columns series on the former Insurance and Liability Resource Centre for Nonprofits website.
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