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Community Literacy of Ontario has designed this self-study resource guide to help organizations further develop and strengthen their board governance practices. This resource guide will examine effective governance in the areas of: Board roles and responsibilities, Governance structures, The board...
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Includes a strategic planning checklist and explains the important connection between strategic planning and governance.
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"This book aims to help board members and those managing Christian development organisations to consider their different roles and how they can work together to fulfil the organisation’s mission."
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Guide selon l’Autorité des marchés financiers (Québec) pour informer leurs membres comment ils traitent les politique de plaintes.
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Provides an overview of the benefits and considerations in forming committees of the board. Offers scenarios where different types of committee approaches can be used.
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"Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer la publication d’un guide pour aider les organisations de la société civile à réguler leurs pratiques concernant divers problèmes de gouvernance.
Le guide à l’autorégulation de CIVICUS, une nouvelle addition à notre programme Légitimité, Transparence et Reddition des...
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Guide to complaints policy development from the Office of the Ombudsman (New Zealand). Description: "This guide sets out key information for state sector agencies about developing and operating an effective complaints process. It also provides information about the Ombudsman’s role, as an...
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