Cette vidéo renforce le rôle du conseil d'administration comme l'autorité ultime, responsable pour la gestion compétente, consciencieuse et efficace d'un organisme de bienfaisance. Les devoirs d'un membre du Conseil d'agir avec diligence, loyauté et obéissance sont discutés.
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Template for a sample Terms of Reference for committees of the board.
"The OODP encourages the use of Board Committee Terms of Reference Template by organizations. However, any such publication shall acknowledge OODP as the source and Dionne A. Falconer as a contributor. Its content cannot be...
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Board roles and responsibilities
Basic fundraising concepts
Fundraising 101
Fundraising stages : cultivation, solicitation, and stewarship
Identifying potential board members
Evaluation -- Conclusion
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This introductory video reinforces the role of the Board of Directors as the official governing body with ultimate authority and accountability for competent, conscientious and effective management of a charity. Issues such as non arm's length and the duties of a Board member to act with diligence...
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Best practices and tips to improve board minutes.
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Contents :
Delicate dances : new moves and old steps - Kathy L. Brock
In accordance : Canada's Voluntary Sector Accord from idea to implementation - Susan D. Phillips
Embedded regulation : advocacy and the federal regulation of public interest groups - A. Paul Pross and Kernaghan R...
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Part of the "Ten things every board member needs to know" series.
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Sample Board Orientation Manual Index.
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