Also available in French under title: Guide à l'intention des administrateurs des sociétés à but non lucratif : droits, fonctions et pratiques
Also available online
Table of contents :
Corporations & directors : what, who, why & how
Duties of directors
Liability of directors...
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Meetings with Legislators: Getting Organized
Guidelines for Meetings with Legislators
After the Meeting: The Debriefing
The Do's and Don'ts of Legislative Letter Writing
Tell It to Ottawa: Effective Communications with Public Officials
Contact Information
Negotiation: A Very Short...
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Renseignez-vous sur la façon dont les organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés doivent mener leurs activités de bienfaisance à l'extérieur du Canada tout en respectant les exigences de la Loi de l'impôt sur le revenu.
Transcription: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/vdgllry/chrts-gvng/v110223-fra.html
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Theresa L.M. Man LL.B. (Carters Professional Corporation) presents a one hour webinar to review the difficult issues arising from board meetings and how to effectively resolve them. The new rules on non-profit governance under the new federal and Ontario not-for-profit corporate legislation also...
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Available also in French under the title : Guide d'impôt pour la Déclaration de renseignements des organismes sans but lucratif (OSBL)
Available in HTML and PDF
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Apprenez ce que les organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés doivent savoir avant de participer à des activités politiques.
Transcription: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/chrts-gvng/chrts/cmmnctn/pltcl-ctvts/rprt16-17pssrd-fra.html
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This one-hour webinar reviews CRA guidance on “Ineligible Individuals” provisions in the Income Tax Ac t(ITA). The guidance explains who CRA views as an “ineligible individual” and the issues that could arise for a registered charity that is considering permitting an “ineligible individual” to be...
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