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This recording of a one hour webinar on a not to be missed topic about how to prepare for and "live to tell the tale" of a CRA audit. Learn about why you should be concerned, what is involved in the CRA audit process, how to prepare for an audit, and what issues can arise during an audit that you...
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A legal discussion and explanation of the importance of statutory remittances and the potential liability of the board of directors if remittances are not made.
"The purpose of the paper is to outline the various forms of liability that are imposed by Canadian law on directors and officers in...
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Section excerpt from the Government of Canada's page Completing the Registered Charity Information Return
Schedule 3, Compensation
Compensation includes all forms of salaries, wages, commissions, bonuses, fees, and honoraria, plus the value of taxable and non-taxable benefits paid by a...
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An overview of how Canadian charities are required to account for generally in the T3010. It addresses specifically how compensation is reported and disclosed.
Excerpt on the matter of compensation:
"Charities must also report compensation information on Schedule 3 to the T3010...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre : A guide to financial statements of not-for-profit organizations : questions for directors to ask
Table des matières :
Le processus d’information financière
Les rôles et responsabilités liées à l’information financière
L’information financière...
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Also available in French under the title : Guide sur les états financiers des organismes sans but lucratif
Contents :
The Process of Financial Reporting
The Roles and Responsibilities Associated with Financial Reporting
The Concepts and Terminology of Financial Reporting...
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Background and regulatory issues
Establishing an audit committee and determining its charter
Responsibilities of internal control over financial reporting
Understanding and addressing the risks of fraud
Defining the role of the internal audit function
Establishing an effective...
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"In this report, we think about how charities should manage themselves and spend their resources, addressing issues such as:
fluctuations in statutory income in a time of government cuts and changes in commissioning processes;
difficulties of increasing voluntary donations generally and income...
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