Learn how registered charities should prepare financial statements and maintain adequate books and records.
Transcript: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/vdgllry/chrts-gvng/wc20100316-trnscrpt-eng.html
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Apprenez comment les organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés doivent préparer leurs états financiers et conserver des livres comptables adéquats.
Transcription: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/vdgllry/chrts-gvng/wc20100316-trnscrpt-fra.html
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Canada’s Accounting Standards Board and Public Sector Accounting Board (the Boards) are in the process of developing new accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations as documented in the Statement of Principles (SoP). Today’s webcast, examines the potential impact of these changes, and...
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Join Jacqueline M. Demczur a partner at Carters Professional Corporation for this webinar that includes walking charities through the T3010 and provides a practical understanding of its content and why it is relevant to charities. The session covers reviewing the purpose of and how to answer key...
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A guide to understanding key financial statements and accounting terminology.
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