Contents: The Legal Nature of Charitable Purpose Trust, Precatory Wishes and Donor Advice, Restrictions on Use, Restrictions on Timing, Variation of Restrictions, and Documenting Restricted Gifts.
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Why lapsed donors are an attractive target
Predetermined attributes of active and inactive donors
Reactivation and retention rates
How to optimize a donor reactivation campaign
Loyalty/philanthropy segments for lapsed donors
Key takeaways and recommendations for reactivation campaigns
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Why me?
Why are you asking me?
Do I respect you?
How much do you want?
Why your organization?
Will my gift make a difference?
Is there an urgent reason to give?
Is it easy to give?
How will I be treated?
Will I have a say over how you use my gift?
How will you...
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Ce manuel poursuit deux objectifs principaux. En premier lieu, nous espérons qu’il vous permettra de mieux connaître et de mieux apprécier l’importance de la contribution des fondations à la société canadienne. En second lieu, si vous suivez les étapes exposées dans ce manuel, vous...
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Provides research, data, strategies and sources to support prospect research by Canadian fundraisers. Originally published as an article in Advancing Philanthropy, available at www.afpnet.org
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This guide is for many of the storytellers in your organization: senior leaders, marketing and communications professionals, evaluation and research professionals. It includes seven chapters plus resources throughout, examples from the for-profit and non-profit world, and an upcoming tools...
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Disponible aussi en anglais sous le titre: Establishing your development office : staffing and reporting, budgets and planning, boards and volunteers, the seven must-have documents
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