Also available in print
Contents :
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Fundraising methods and revenues
Chapter 3. Funds raised from government, corporations and foundations
Chapter 4. Costs of fundraising
Chapter 5. The use of consultants
Chapter 6. The role of boards of directors...
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Table des matières
Un portrait sommaire de la philanthropie au Québec
Les notions fondamentales en gestion philanthropique
Le publipostage et le télémarketing
Les dons d'entreprises, les commandites corporatives et les partenariats commerciaux
Les fondations privées et...
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Prepared by the AFP Ethics Committee, Adopted March, 1992, Revised October 2001
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An explanation of third party fundraising and tips on risk management for the practice.
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Wondering how can you add a social spin to your fundraising events? Join us for this webinar as we take you through how to take your peer-to-peer fundraising events to the next level with social media, emerging technologies, and a little imagination!
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"Evaluating your fundraising program helps your board and chief executive (or E.D.) make informed decisions to improve efforts in future years. This article will provide examples of numerous questions leaders should ask when determining efficiency and effectiveness."
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Identifying changes in donor motivations and barries is important for many reasons. This article details the motivations and barriers to charitable giving as well as the concerns about efficiency as a barrier to giving more. It then details the two key takeaways from the data provided.
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This sample will provide examples and tips on how to create your own plan.
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All Gifts Are Not Equal!
Policies Allow Staff to Maintain Consistency and Standards
What Should the Policies Include?
Policies Drive Your Fundraising Marketing Efforts
Use Your Gift Acceptance Policies to Enhance Donor Relationships
Non-Cash Gift...
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