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Norme D10: Évaluation du rendement


L’évaluation du rendement des employés est une façon de s’assurer que ces derniers atteignent les objectifs rattachés à leur poste, aident l’organisme à suivre ses orientations stratégiques et agissent conformément à la culture de l’organisme.

  • Performance management: Employee performance improvement

    April 2014 - Blog post from MaRS highlighting the importance of performance management, key areas to plan and re-assess.  See more from this organization about Performance Management.

  • HR management standards

    Also available in French under the title : Normes de gestion RH Table of contents :   Introduction How the standards were developed Principles Target audiences Terminology HR management standards overview Standards HR mangement policy framework and employment...

  • Manage performance

    Provided by StepUp B.C. "This toolkit is designed to help non-profits develop, implement and maintain robust performance management in their organization, so that they can strengthen their human capital and, ultimately, make an even greater and more meaningful contribution to the clients and...