Overview of various committee roles and responsibilities and their terms of reference.
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Roles, responsibilities, functions, types of governance, standards of performance and legal implications for board members.
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Background and regulatory issues
Establishing an audit committee and determining its charter
Responsibilities of internal control over financial reporting
Understanding and addressing the risks of fraud
Defining the role of the internal audit function
Establishing an effective...
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Template for a sample Terms of Reference for committees of the board.
"The OODP encourages the use of Board Committee Terms of Reference Template by organizations. However, any such publication shall acknowledge OODP as the source and Dionne A. Falconer as a contributor. Its content cannot be...
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Sample Committee Terms of Reference.
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Community Literacy of Ontario has designed this self-study resource guide to help organizations further develop and strengthen their board governance practices. This resource guide will examine effective governance in the areas of: Board roles and responsibilities, Governance structures, The board...
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Provides a sample Terms of Reference specifically for board development committees. Offers key steps in developing any sub-committee and key considerations for the process. "This toolkit outlines the building blocks of creating a strong board development committee, including core responsibilities...
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Also available in French under title: Guide à l'intention des administrateurs des sociétés à but non lucratif : droits, fonctions et pratiques
Available in print and online
Table of contents :
Corporations & directors : what, who, why & how
Duties of directors
Liability of...
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