Supporting organizational infrastructure in the voluntary sector

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Supporting organizational infrastructure in the voluntary sector

A background paper prepared for the VSI Secretariat, May 2002, By Lynn Eakin, Lynn Eakin and Associates

Background on the Issue: 

Coming to a Common Understanding of What Infrastructure Includes

Examples Of The Shift In Thinking About Infrastructure

Proposing The Elements That Comprise Organizational Infrastructure

The Effectiveness of the Voluntary Sector is Linked to its Organizational Capacity

  • Table 1 McKinsey Capacity Assessment Framework

Where Charity and Business Meet

Getting Started - Making a Strategic Investment in Infrastructure

Challenges to Developing Infrastructure Funding

Moving Forward

  • Table 2: Comparison of Voluntary and Private Sector Contractual Arrangements



Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI)

Mot clés

  • Research
  • volunteering
  • Government Policiy