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Risk management planning toolkit




  • Jose-Boerbridge, Murray
  • Pinder, Wendy
  • Falconer, Dionne A.


Mot clés

  • risk planning
  • risk management
  • checklist

Url accès



From the Ontario Organizational Development Program, created specifically for HIV/AIDS organizations, though content is applicable to a range of social service organizations. 

"This toolkit offers ...a brief description of what risk management planning is and why you need to do it, and offers tools to help you identify risks and determine your priorities and how/when best to respond.   It has been designed as an operational resource primarily for use by Executive Directors, although non-profit Boards may wish to use it as well.  Boards can also use the OODP Board Risk Management and Financial Oversight Checklist, which can be found in our Governance section."


Ontario Organizational Development Program